Senior High School Students Understanding of Examination Skills and Its Implications for School Guidance and Counseling Services
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang
(*) Corresponding Author
The objectives of this study were to analyze the skills of students in taking the test and the differences in the skills in taking the exam between male and female students. This study used a comparative descriptive approach with a population of 970 students of SMA Negeri 13 Padang who were registered in January-June 2020 and a sample of 108 students who were selected using stratified random sampling technique. The instrument used was "Test-taking Skills Scale" with a validity r=304 and a reliability of 0.914. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and inferential statistics (t-test). The findings at SMA Negeri 13 Padang showed the students' skills in taking the test were classified as low, and there was no difference in the skills to take the exam between male and female students. The implications for guidance and counseling services will be discussed.
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DOI: 10.24036/4.34376
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