Training on matrix model value clarification technique approach in PKn-IPS learning for elementary school teachers in Talawi Sawahlunto sub-district

Reinita Reinita(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang
(*) Corresponding Author


The VCT approach can foster student’s awareness of critical thinking through clarification and test the truth of values. In practice of learning sometimes teachers ignore the guidance of attitudes and character values. This is caused by lack of teacher’s skills to implement the learning approach in learning Civics and Social Science. So that impact to low student character and student unready to face competition globally. The purposes of this training are to increase insight and train teachers in Talawi to apply VCT approach model matrix in Civics and Social Science lesson, in order to improve the student’s character. The targets are elementary school teachers in Talawi (20 people). The method in this training consists of Lecture Method, Question and Answer, Discussions, used to describe the material, encouraging active participation of teachers, selecting material to be designed with steps of VCT model matrix. Recitation Method for training teachers to designing RPP with VCT matrix. Simulation Method to train teachers to implement Civics and Social Science learning with VCT model matrix. The results are teachers in Talawi can understand, design-implement, improve their skills in implementing Civics and Social Science with VCT matrix model that can influence the improvement of student’s character values.


VCT Model Matrix, character value, civics and social science of elementary school


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DOI: 10.24036/4.128

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