Pengaruh Kecanduan Game Online terhadap Perilaku Prososial Siswa

Seja Pratama(1), Afdal Afdal(2*),

(1) Padang State University
(2) Padang State University
(*) Corresponding Author


This research was motivated by the low prosocial behavior of class VI students at SDN 01 Ampang, Padang City. The aim of this research is to describe 1) Online game addiction, 2) Prosocial behavior, 3) The influence of online game addiction on students' prosocial behavior. The questions of this research are 1) what is the picture of students' online game addiction, 2) what is the picture of students' prosocial behavior, and 3) is there a significant influence between online game addiction and students' prosocial behavior. The results of this research show that 37 students at SDN 01 Ampang who are addicted to online games are in the high category with a percentage of 71% of the 52 respondents, while the prosocial behavior of students at SDN 01 Ampang is generally in the moderate category at 25 students with a percentage of 48%. And the correlation/relationship value (R) is 0.339, meaning that Variable Which means that the influence of the independent variable (addictive online games) on the dependent variable (prosocial behavior) is 11.5%. Thus it can be concluded that 11.5% of students' prosocial behavior is influenced by online game addiction, 88.5% is influenced by other factors. The implications for Guidance and Counseling services are that Counselors/BK Teachers can provide Information Services, Individual Counseling and Group Guidance to students to provide students with understanding regarding the dangers of online game addiction and increase students' prosocial behavior.


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DOI: 10.24036/0001129chr2024

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